Media & Entertainment

story telling

Story Telling Future: Improvement & Innovation

Story Telling Future: Improvement & Innovation Jeff Caldwell – Vice President, Digital Integration & Cloud Partners Animation, live action, scripted TV, reality programs, music, and other content creation efforts all center on traditional development, pre-production, production, post-production and distribution activities. Enjoyment, and monetization occur at the end of the process. Over many decades major innovation came in terms of color, sound, cameras, and digitalization. The recent pandemic has accelerated workflow improvement in the areas of cloud compute, storage, and production teams working at home and across the world. But there is more to come on both the innovation and improvement fronts. Improvement will continue to come related to industry anthologies, platform adoption, security advances, cost effective data storage, remote compute, file movement, content transmission, and other necessary creation anywhere cornerstones. But more importantly is how will technology innovation change the way stories and music are created. It’s not enough to simply take old production processes and place them in the cloud.That is just improvement.With all the digital innovation technology capabilities at our fingertips we must followSteve Jobs mandate: “Think Different” Creative Process & Improvement Improvement – Make something that already exists better Let’s take a look at storytelling as part of the overall media creation and consumption process. Songwriters have an idea, often they combine music and words to turn this idea into a story or convey a message and the listener feels an emotion and likes or dislikes. Typically, a movie, tv show, or video comes from an idea that is greenlit, and then teams of creators and talent are assembled, and the final product is created and distributed to the viewer and fan. Very much a creative process where there is a starting point to the process that comes to an end before consumption, revenue, and enjoyment begins. This traditional process allows for little or no interaction from the creators to the consumer until the magical distribution barrier is reached. Our industry has been focused on taking the age-old creation workflow process and adding technology for the most part to improve existing processes, BUT NOT INNOVATING the underlying storytelling creative process. Color was innovativeSound was innovativeBoth of these capabilities were new and had never been done before Today’s improvement in our creative industry deals with some of the following: what cloud provider or providers should the industry use, what editing toolset(s) are best, what VDI technology is the best to reduce latency, how do we implement better security, how can files be compressed and moved around the globe, how much security is enough, how can AI be added to monitor the process, how can production costs decrease? Creative Process & Innovation Innovation – Make something new How we can use technology to drive innovation, not just improvement? Let suppose we want to include the viewer/consumer into the creative process and move media enjoyment from the end of the process to be part of the process. Let’s move enjoyment from a sort of passive experience to an interactive creation experience. Along the way we can make storytelling not a one size fits all but more of a tailored viewer experience. (Also create new revenue streams.) Didn’t like the way Game of Thrones ended?Don’t worry you can make your own ending or endings! What would an innovative interactive workflow look like? Maybe we need an Interactive Media Creation Platform, IMCP. (We have to have a three- or four-letter acronym… it’s part of the technology business) Here is how it would work. First a basic story is conceived. Take for instance a western story set in a galaxy far far away. The storyline is established production and talent teams are assembled and product begins. Consumers can subscribe to the “dailies” via the IMCP, feedback can be discussed in Facebook/Zoom type chat rooms around the world, charactors and scenes could be created or changed in minutes based upon CGI technology, alternative storylines could be conceived, new live action scenes could be shot the next day, the direction and production staff could take this input into consideration and proceed with the original storyline or move the direction of the content to new horizons based upon the interaction. New content could also be localized based upon global input. Another way the IMCP could be used is at the end of the creation process. All of the artifacts and simits of the production that end up on the virtual cutting room floor could be placed within the editing section of the IMCP and allow the consumer to make their own movies, or content. The user and fan community could create a new partial movie, short Quibi type content, or full-length movie based upon the original extras, CGI created video, and then publish it within part of the IMCP for friends and the public at large. Fees could be charged for this engagement process, and also to view the new content. Revenue could go back to the original content rights owners. All of this interaction would be based upon technology and tools we have at our fingertips such as: social media interactive sites, group collaboration room technology, cloud-based content editing and publishing tools, and common device, mouse, swiping, and typing skills. So, the challenge has been thrown down for innovation over improvement. Who will join this quest? Storytelling Past and Future – Innovation~ 1910’s – first color filmOctober 6, 1927 – first feature film with soundJuly 4, 2022 first movie created using IMCP technology IMCP… coming soon to a desktop, tablet, or phone near you   Jeff Caldwell is the Vice President of Digital Integration and Cloud Partners with ATMECS. Jeff is well known in the media and entertainment industry, and the technology realm in general, as a business professional with an innovative vision who also has the expertise to make the vision a reality. Currently Jeff is focused on helping organizations achieve five key digital business goals: enterprise efficiency, advanced industry analytics, customer and social engagement, business acceleration and digital industry innovation. Obtaining these

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The Growing Impact of AI in today’s Sports, Media & Entertainment Industries

The Growing Impact of AI in today’s Sports, Media & Entertainment Industries ATMECS – Content Team Fifteen years ago, the term AI or artificial intelligence was labeled a dream concept. A lot of individuals linked this to the various movies and shows from the sci-fi world. A good example would be the Steven Speilberg movie, A.I, where a highly-advanced robot boy dreamed to be human to regain his mother’s love. However, as the years have changed, so has humanity’s stance about this idea. AI is the process of inserting human intelligence into machines allowing them to think and learn as humans do. In addition, it has helped the continuously growing amount of data generated and stored, as well as capitalized on it. On a global scale, 54% of CEOs have attested to an increase and improvement in their productivity after introducing AI solutions in businesses. Not only does it help improve work efficiency in all industries, but it also reduces the risk factors that a person might face in dangerous circumstances. Apart from the health and finance industries, there are a lot of other industries that have also faced a growing impact of AI solutions. The growing impact of AI on sports Based on recent reports, the AI market in the sports industry is expected to see a growth rate of 28.7% CAGR between 2021 and 2026. This is based on the increase in the use of technologies like loT, and the commoditization of cloud tech, helping with the storage and processing of big data obtained from various sports. Over the years, there has been an increase in the use of AI to help players maintain their health and increase their performance. From one aspect, this can be seen through the use of artificial intelligence-based coaching (mapping motion of an athlete to spatial analytics & machine learning). This way, a player receives different types and forms of coaching compared to one coach’s style. The system can also analyze the game plan of other teams, coming up with the best possible solution to win a game. While sports are competitive on the field, they have also become competitive in the front office, using AI obtained data like the game’s complexity and speed to create a competitive advantage. Apart from the actual game, AI has also affected the sportswear and equipment industry. Through smart apparel that can monitor and increase a player’s performance, a lot of manufacturing companies are looking forward to major distribution. AI has also had a major growth impact on fans and their level of engagement in the sports industry. Unlike where everything was done by hand, with voice technology and chatbots, teams and clubs can learn more about their fans, what they expect, and vice versa. This, in turn, provides richer content for fans, making it more personalized and engaging. As a whole, content moderation and content recommendation software have now become dependent on AI to strive due to the sheer global scale of digital content adoption. The growing impact of AI on media & entertainment From 2011 to 2020, many media and entertainment companies have adopted AI solutions to push for investments and produce high-end content that can draw the audience’s attention. This includes major companies like Google, Walt Disney, Microsoft, Intel, Amazon, Netflix, and many more. A lot of professionals in the media and entertainment industry use AI as a new approach to creativity. A major area where AI has impacted the entertainment world is increasing user experience and personalization. A lot of individuals rely on online sources like Netflix to watch movies and shows. With over 93 million people across the world streaming movies, an AI system has made it possible to personalize and recommend movies and shows to each person. During the next five years, 72% of media and telecommunication companies expect their product offerings to receive a major impact due to AI solutions. This revolves around the designing, advertising, and planning areas. With the help of certain predictive measures and AI solutions, media marketing processes occur faster and more efficiently. For those looking to change their future through AI and next-gen technology, ATMECS is the place to go. Considered a technology accelerator, the company provides AI services that benefit clients and their end customers. With the continuous growth of AI in various fields, the world will soon reach a stance where one’s life experience will be enhanced due to AI solutions. Even with a significant impact on daily work life, 72% of business owners have stated that digital assistants have made life easier. Gaining a global scale audience, individuals who didn’t have easy access to AI, are now able to do so with today’s cloud technologies. ATMECS can help you – Let’s, Partner.

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