
The Growing Impact of AI in today’s Sports, Media & Entertainment Industries

The Growing Impact of AI in today’s Sports, Media & Entertainment Industries ATMECS – Content Team Fifteen years ago, the term AI or artificial intelligence was labeled a dream concept. A lot of individuals linked this to the various movies and shows from the sci-fi world. A good example would be the Steven Speilberg movie, A.I, where a highly-advanced robot boy dreamed to be human to regain his mother’s love. However, as the years have changed, so has humanity’s stance about this idea. AI is the process of inserting human intelligence into machines allowing them to think and learn as humans do. In addition, it has helped the continuously growing amount of data generated and stored, as well as capitalized on it. On a global scale, 54% of CEOs have attested to an increase and improvement in their productivity after introducing AI solutions in businesses. Not only does it help improve work efficiency in all industries, but it also reduces the risk factors that a person might face in dangerous circumstances. Apart from the health and finance industries, there are a lot of other industries that have also faced a growing impact of AI solutions. The growing impact of AI on sports Based on recent reports, the AI market in the sports industry is expected to see a growth rate of 28.7% CAGR between 2021 and 2026. This is based on the increase in the use of technologies like loT, and the commoditization of cloud tech, helping with the storage and processing of big data obtained from various sports. Over the years, there has been an increase in the use of AI to help players maintain their health and increase their performance. From one aspect, this can be seen through the use of artificial intelligence-based coaching (mapping motion of an athlete to spatial analytics & machine learning). This way, a player receives different types and forms of coaching compared to one coach’s style. The system can also analyze the game plan of other teams, coming up with the best possible solution to win a game. While sports are competitive on the field, they have also become competitive in the front office, using AI obtained data like the game’s complexity and speed to create a competitive advantage. Apart from the actual game, AI has also affected the sportswear and equipment industry. Through smart apparel that can monitor and increase a player’s performance, a lot of manufacturing companies are looking forward to major distribution. AI has also had a major growth impact on fans and their level of engagement in the sports industry. Unlike where everything was done by hand, with voice technology and chatbots, teams and clubs can learn more about their fans, what they expect, and vice versa. This, in turn, provides richer content for fans, making it more personalized and engaging. As a whole, content moderation and content recommendation software have now become dependent on AI to strive due to the sheer global scale of digital content adoption. The growing impact of AI on media & entertainment From 2011 to 2020, many media and entertainment companies have adopted AI solutions to push for investments and produce high-end content that can draw the audience’s attention. This includes major companies like Google, Walt Disney, Microsoft, Intel, Amazon, Netflix, and many more. A lot of professionals in the media and entertainment industry use AI as a new approach to creativity. A major area where AI has impacted the entertainment world is increasing user experience and personalization. A lot of individuals rely on online sources like Netflix to watch movies and shows. With over 93 million people across the world streaming movies, an AI system has made it possible to personalize and recommend movies and shows to each person. During the next five years, 72% of media and telecommunication companies expect their product offerings to receive a major impact due to AI solutions. This revolves around the designing, advertising, and planning areas. With the help of certain predictive measures and AI solutions, media marketing processes occur faster and more efficiently. For those looking to change their future through AI and next-gen technology, ATMECS is the place to go. Considered a technology accelerator, the company provides AI services that benefit clients and their end customers. With the continuous growth of AI in various fields, the world will soon reach a stance where one’s life experience will be enhanced due to AI solutions. Even with a significant impact on daily work life, 72% of business owners have stated that digital assistants have made life easier. Gaining a global scale audience, individuals who didn’t have easy access to AI, are now able to do so with today’s cloud technologies. ATMECS can help you – Let’s, Partner.

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Current & Future State of Mainstream Adoption of AR/VR Tech in Industry

Current & Future State of Mainstream Adoption of AR/VR Tech in Industry ATMECS – Content Team Considering how crucial digital technology has become to daily life, technologies like Augmented and Virtual Reality have received mixed results in their adoption level and also evolved quite a bit since its first depiction in 1920. Augmented reality is an enhanced state of experience, where virtual elements are infused into the real world and are amplified by computer-generated information that can affect various senses. With the introduction of smartphones and smart wearables, the demand and opportunities for mass customization of AR have risen. On the other hand, the applications of virtual reality function entirely online. This is where human elements are infused into the virtual world, and through the use of special gloves or goggles, a person can interact with it. Though the idea was established earlier, the adoption of these technologies took a while due to many reasons like production costs, or poor user experience design. However, slowly but steadily, a comeback is being made as niche-level applications are gaining global attraction. At present, 71% of customers are willing to shop more if they can use AR. Current challenges in the adoption of AR/VR technology Though the adoption of AR/VR is making smooth progress, certain current challenges have created an issue in its adoption into various industries. ⦁ Managing the high production prices Like any other technology, a certain amount is set aside to produce AR/VR devices. However, due to AR/VR still being a new concept, the technological world has to evolve more to create an easier production process, thus reducing cost factors, before becoming mainstream and requiring more capital. The first way a manufacturer makes their money back is through sales. However, due to its high prices, not many are inclined to buy it. Unlike a smartphone which has become a necessity to daily life, AR/VR devices are still considered a luxury. ⦁ Consumer electronics are not up to par Even though many individuals may have the latest model in terms of smartphones and other devices, they still cannot enjoy the full AR/VR experience. This is mainly due to the poor visual quality and minimal focal view. While a person might taste the AR/VR world through their electronics, it will not provide the best immersive experience. ⦁ Internet connection Having an internet connection is critical to make it through daily life. However, most have up to 4G connectivity. 5G connectivity is recommended to enjoy the AR/VR experience and provide the best form of stability. However, not much is known and accepted about it. Most individuals are likely to avoid 5G connections as there is more negative feedback to one’s health and smartphone. The future of AR/VR At present, there are a wide number of products and devices like optical projection displays and head-mounted display devices that function through the use of AR/VR software in the market. Though this brings a new level of experience to those who use it, certain limitations are also present like poor visual quality and poor field of view. On the VR platform, many of the VR devices rely on smartphones to function daily. Though these devices are easy to use and portable, it does not allow for an immersive experience due to the small screen and lack of visual quality. Considering that a lot of people now watch movies and play games on their smartphones, the next stage is to see how an immersive experience can be reached to help maximize a user’s experience. Though the future of AR/VR has a lot of potentials, due to the current challenges that it faces, it is underperforming. With the continuous evolution and systematic changes that are being made to help improve these technologies, the future is starting to look more promising in its mainstream adoption. Though in the early stages, manufacturers are already showing interest in producing a mixture of both units. 67% of advertising agencies have stated that they are using AR technology more. At the moment, AR/VR devices lack a natural and personalized aspect that gives the users a completely immersive experience. However, with how fast the technology world evolves through the emergence of cloud tech, 5G tech, and data and content ubiquity, it will be just a matter of a few years before one can enjoy an unconstrained AR/VR experience. Providing the latest technological services, ATMECS is a company that brings visible digital transformation for their clients to embrace AR/VR experiences and technologies. Though AR/VR is widely accepted, there are many ways to improve these technologies with the help of the latest technological advances in the market. Based on the Grand View Research 2020 report, VR will have a 21.6% compound annual growth rate from 2020 to 2027. That is why the future adoption of AR/VR technologies in various industries will become mainstream as it continues to improve and assist with daily life functions. ATMECS can help you – Let’s Partner. Sources:https://insights.dice.comhttps://techcrunch.comhttps://www.jabil.com

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AI Bands Together with Humans in the War against Pandemic

AI Bands Together with Humans in the War against Pandemic Tushar Nayak – ATMECS Content Team Mother nature remains indomitable and unconquerable, but she also gave birth to human beings, our known universe’s most ingenious species. Looking back, we (humans) have been challenged time and time again, from surviving the ice age, to fighting the Antonine Plague of 165AD, The Black Death caused by the Bubonic plague of 1346 with a death toll of 200 million or Spanish flu of 1918 and the latest – Covid-19, we fought back with everything at our disposal and we have just begun to talk about wits and intelligence of humans. It was the creative spark in our ancestors, to do things efficiently, that brought about a change in human evolution no one ever anticipated; healing and healthcare being one of them. Yet, we cannot be ignorant of the fact that we have always remained a step behind and it is either because we are wired only to solve the problem(s) or maybe, mother nature does not trust us with 100% of our cerebral capacity yet she continues to leave a trail of breadcrumbs for us to look at the bigger picture. This concept of idea will remain debatable for years to come. Now that we have talked about healthcare we feel that we need help from an epidemiological level application that can not only solve problems but screen, diagnose and treat health problems while forecasting the future quicker than ever, in short, we need Artificial Intelligence to be the front runner. And, what’s more, surprising is that it was not humans who brought us news on Covid-19 first but an AI platform that scoured every inch of the internet and search indexes to find us a title that said, “7 found critically ill in Wuhan Province”. Unlike healthcare, AI has seen its rise in every sector from retail to banking from e-commerce to supermarkets, and continues to ease the stress on both organizations and end-customers. That said, “don’t you think that it will ease the burden of health workers and fight deadly viruses at the same time?” Seems like a crazy idea, well – “Every idea is crazy until it’s not.” Elon Musk. Let us look at the most critical elements Artificial Intelligence can take care of and believe us, we have factored in historical data against AI’s presence in the last few years and this is how it did (or, set out to do). With its strings of ever-evolving algorithms followed by magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and/or Computed Tomography (CT) scan symptoms of ‘red flags’ thus alarm healthcare authorities. As humans, we are constantly looking for cost-effective solutions and AI can do just that by providing solutions on the go for faster decision making thus saving the life of the patients. Let us look at another scenario, the next time a patient comes knocking at the doctor’s office he or she can successfully trace the contact and monitor them for the future course of the disease and its reappearance, if at all. AI can track and predict the nature of the virus, its risk of infection, number of cases and death in a region, identify the most vulnerable regions through the available data and media platforms to find appropriate measures. It is also being used by research centres to analyze available data to fight Covid-19 thus speeding up drug testing in real-time. It is now a powerful tool to analyze, diagnose and test vaccination under-development. One of the areas where doctors and nurses spend most of their time is in the file room. Now, imagine finding all the information of a patient’s history on the click of a button. Then, multiply that times the number of walk-ins/interactions each day. It is hard to quantify the exponential savings AI could yield in terms of time and scale at which modern healthcare can impact saving lives and our communities. As a result oriented full-service engineering and R&D organization, all of us at ATMECS believe that Artificial Intelligence has been brought to existence for the good of humanity. It is our submission that AI, if nurtured right, will continue to become an essential part of our day to day lives and play a pivotal role in how we manage health care. We believe AI will increasingly become an enabler in detection, tracking and monitoring diagnosis not only on ground level but also on a scientific, systematic, and data-driven level reading through frequencies and patterns of health-related states and events (not limited to disease control). With that in mind, we strongly believe in bringing visible transformation for our clients through Automation, AI, adoption of leading edge integrated development platforms, CI/CD, DevOps, Cloud, and Big Data. To conclude, it is our humble belief that, through the above, neither are we overestimating AI’s presence in human life nor are we trying to undermine human intelligence but we are merely stating our opinion based on empirical evidence. Author – Tushar Nayak, ATMECS Content Team

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Blockchain – State of POCs

Blockchain – State of POCs Bhanu Prakash – Director – Engineering By now, this may be the 100th time you are hearing the word ‘Blockchain’ within a week. There are scores of organizations that are trying to build Proofs-Of-Concept (POC) across diverse domains. But among all these, still, there are questions being raised on the scalability of Blockchain technologies. Challenges with Current Blockchain Technologies The biggest challenge with the current Blockchain technologies is transaction speed. You can say that this is the only reason for Blockchain technologies not going mainstream. But how much of these transaction speeds affect your plans? Is there a way out? Is it possible that you can continue working on POCs without worrying whether you can take it mainstream? Do transaction speeds affect your POC? Yes, if you are building a Dapp on the ‘Main Ethereum Network’ and if you plan to use ethers (Cryptocurrency of Ethereum) as part of your functionality. Transaction speeds depend on a few factors like block size, block time, transaction traffic, and transaction fees (Gas), etc. “Ethereum has a block size limit due to the block gas limit enforced by the consensus protocol. The block gas limit is dynamically adjusted by miners. In each block, miners can increase or decrease the block size by a maximum of the previous block size divided by 1024.” So, it is next to impossible for any changes to take place in the way blocks are added to Blockchain currently. Even if someone wants to change, there are other complications. There are efforts to find a way out. There is Lightning Network among others. So, if you are currently building a PoC on the main Ethereum chain then you should think it over. Ethereum Private Consortium If you have been working on PoCs around private Ethereum blockchain either on Azure Cloud (Azure provides templates to spin private consortium) or an in-house chain, then you are at least safe from transaction speeds. From a scalability point-of-view, you can always add more nodes to your network and also deploy your Dapp based on your Peer network. In this sense, you can have multiple deployments of Dapp connecting to the nearest Blockchain node and then redirect users accordingly. The consensus logic, either Proof-of-Work or Proof-of-Stake, also doesn’t really affect your Dapp. Ethereum Blockchain Vs Hyperledger I have come across this argument multiple times. Also, there is an argument on ‘Permissioned’ & ‘Permissionless’. If you are building a Dapp on public Ethereum Blockchain then it is ‘Permissionless’ but if you are setting up your own private consortium then it is, in the way a, ‘Permissioned’. You cannot really compare a Public Ethereum Blockchain to a Hyperledger. The only big difference between a Hyperledger and a PRIVATE Ethereum Blockchain is that Hyperledger doesn’t have any provision for Cryptocurrency. Both of them differ on consensus mechanism and a few other aspects. So, if you are building an enterprise Dapp then you have a choice of using either Hyperledger or Private Ethereum Blockchain.

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